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/* Welcome to Custom CSS! If you are familiar with CSS or you have a stylesheet ready to paste, you may delete these comments and get started. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a kind of code that tells the browser how to render a web page. Here’s an example: img { border: 1px solid red; […]

Algunos enlaces

Algunos enlaces

Founded by Dominican-born Johnny Pacheco and Italian-American Jerry Masucci in 1964, Fania Records took its name from a song by Cuban singer Reinaldo Bolaño and made international legends of a mostly pan-Latin roster including Puerto Ricans Cheo Feliciano, Héctor Lavoe, Adalberto Santiago, and Bobby Valentín; Panamanian Rubén Blades; Cuban Celia Cruz; and New Yorkers Ray Barretto, Willie Colón, […]